Important Things To Know

正规博彩十大网站排名奖学金和经济援助办公室(OSFA)寻求尽快向学生提供奖励信息.  因为我们需要美国教育部提供的信息, 我们通常在即将到来的秋季学期的早春学期开始发送录取通知.e., January – February).  被录取的申请人会在收到财政援助申请时收到滚动通知.  由于项目条款的变化,正规博彩十大网站排名保留随时修改经济援助提供的权利.e., if the federal rules change that are specific to a fund type, i.e., 佩尔助学金), changes in a student’s program of study, 与联邦和州规则和法规遵从性相关的变更, changes in other resources the student may have received, or changes on a student’s financial aid application, 根据学生资格规定,哪些因素会影响可获得的资助金额.

How to Accept, Decline, or Reduce an Award

在你收到奖学金通知并熟悉你的助学金和“条款和条件”之后,” what should you do next?  如果你获得了“捐赠援助”(任何助学金或奖学金-不需要偿还),那么你可以申请助学金.e., 希望, Pell, etc.), these funds do not require acceptance on your part.  If you have been awarded student loans, you will need to accept, decline or reduce the amount of loan you wish to receive or not receive. 

  1. 签署 猫头鹰表达
  2. Click on 金融援助
  3. Click on 金融援助 Dashboard
  4. Click on Award Offer
  5. Select aid year from the dropdown box (i.e., 2023 – 2024 for aid year beginning Fall 2023 through Summer 2024)
  6. Review the 奖助金 and 奖学金 that have been accepted on your behalf
  7. 审查“支付净成本的选择”(贷款和联邦工作研究将包括在本节中)
  8. 在“采取行动”栏下,点击“选择”来接受、拒绝或修改所提供的援助.
    •如果你选择“修改”,一个弹出框将提供修改金额的选项,你可以输入你希望在援助期间接受的金额.  (Note if you have been awarded aid for two terms, any amount accepted will be divided equally between the two terms.)
  9. Click “Submit” to confirm you decision
  10. 您现在将被重新定向到接受财政援助条款和条件
  11. Click the box “I acknowledge these terms and conditions.”
  12. Click “Accept Award”
  13. 点击“接受奖励”后,屏幕右上角会弹出“您已成功提交奖励offer”的提示框.”

Additional Steps

所有接受全部或部分学生贷款的新本科生必须填写主本票(MPN)和入学贷款咨询.  Both of these should be completed by visiting www.热门产品.政府.  如果学生继续获得学生贷款,MPN将在完成之日起10年内有效,并且没有12个月或更长时间的中断.

Deadlines and Payment Information

正规博彩十大网站排名是佐治亚大学系统(USG)的一部分.  付款程序由USG政策决定,截止日期非常具体.  It is important to remember, 财政援助办公室颁发财政援助,财务处负责收费, collects and refunds.

Important Dates are always available on the 注册商金融援助 网站.  这些网站每学期都会更新,你应该熟悉这些非常重要的日期. 

This is how financial aid assists with charges in the 财务主管的 办公室:

  • Once your awards are posted and accepted (i.e., loans) and all documentation is provided (注:附加步骤),援助将授权在适当的时候释放.
  • 当你为即将到来的学期注册课程时,费用会被公布 可视
  • 对于每一项, 助学金的批准将在财务处要求付款前大约一个月进行.
  • Payment deadlines in the 财务主管的 办公室 are available each term. 如果在最终付款截止日期前未收到付款(费用-经济援助=到期余额), the Bursar will remove registration. 
  • Payment Options in the 财务主管的 办公室
  • Nelnet Payment Plan information
  • Drop/Add period for coursework can be noted on the 注册商's 办公室 网站.   If coursework is removed by the Bursar because of non-payment, a student may re-register for available classes during this period. 
  • 在删除/添加之后,财务援助将自动释放到财务长办公室. No action is required of the student to secure this release.
  • 一旦经济援助被释放并记入学生在财务处的账户, all unpaid balances must be paid promptly. If remaining balances are not paid, 该学生的注册将被取消,并且不会有额外的机会恢复课程.
  • 如果学生有信用余额(多于学费),财务司司长会 begin processing refunds typically within 3 business days.

重要的是要记住以下关于支付财务 援助:

  • 经济援助总是基于全日制状态(12小时或更多) 术语). Aid will prorate according to enrollment for certain funds, i.e., 希望, 佩尔助学金
  • 有资格获得任何学期的学生贷款 must be enrolled at least half-time (6 hours or more) after drop/add ends.

New and Prospective Undergraduates

Entering applicants are sent an electronic award notification. 这些通知将通过学生的正规博彩十大网站排名电子邮件帐户发送(所有通信将发送到学生的正规博彩十大网站排名电子邮件帐户)。.  Here are some basic steps:

If you need assistance with this setup, you may contact 单位为正规博彩十大网站排名

重要的 – If documentation is requested (most often by the US Dept. of ED) to complete your awarding process, you must validate your 账户.

  • 登录你的 猫头鹰表达 账户
  • Click on the 金融援助 tab
  • 点击相应的奖项年度-然后“查看要求和提交文件”
  • 确认您用于填写FAFSA以登录门户的信息
    • Social Security Number (SSN)
    • Name (your name as it appears on your Social Security Card)
  • 登录到门户后,您将看到需要哪些文档 提交
  • All documentation must be uploaded to this secure site. No hardcopy forms are accepted via email or in-person. 

Please submit any required documentation as quickly as possible.

Current Undergraduates

OSFA在收到申请后会在早春学期通知在校生.  如果需要额外的文件,您可以在您的猫头鹰快递账户上找到它.  一旦收到所有文件,您将获得奖励并通过您的正规博彩十大网站排名电子邮件帐户通知. 

所有文件必须不迟于5月1日(秋季学期)收到,以便考虑所有援助计划. If you do not submit the requested documents, 我们将无法处理您的经济援助申请,并且经济援助将不会支付到您在财务处的正规博彩十大网站排名学生帐户中,以帮助您支付教育费用.

Rights and Responsibilities of Accepting 金融援助

Accepting financial aid entails certain rights and responsibilities.  When you are awarded financial aid, 阅读并理解每个学年猫头鹰快递账户中的“条款和条件”列表是至关重要的.  我们强烈建议您尽可能多地了解您正在接受的援助,并提前了解您在入学和学业进步方面的期望.